Commercial session: Landlords Q&A


Commercial session on 18 February 2021 covering Landlords, rates, grants, BBL, CBIL and the end of Furlough.


We are very mindful that the latest restrictions have had a significant impact on all our businesses revenue and that makes the next few months more challenging.


Combined with the effect of the end of the Rent Moratorium and Furlough (possibly?) and the start of payments for BBL and CBIL on top of a new set of Business Rates Bills – it feels like a perfect storm is brewing.


There has certainly been quite a lot of chatter on various forums so we thought it would be good to run a Q&A/ Discussion session focussing on these challenges


See recording here

Landlords Rates Grants BBL & CBIL & the end of Furlough – A perfect storm – YouTube

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